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Clifford Herman was born in Cape Town, South Africa. He completed a BA Theology at Helderberg College outside Cape Town in 1997 and served as a Pastor in the Southern Hope Conference (now Cape Conference) for 4 years.

In January 2002 he was called to the Scottish Mission where he served in Edinburgh and South West Scotland for nearly 12 years, as well as being the Family Ministries, Communication and Pathfinder Sponsor during that period. He was ordained in Scotland in June 2005.

In 2013 he was called to the South England Conference to serve in Area 1 - Plymouth/Liskeard District and was elected to serve as Area Co-ordinator in August 2018. In July 2019 he completed an MA Systematic Theology at Newbold College (University of Wales Trinity St David).

Pastor Herman was elected as Pathfinder and Adventurer Director at the South England Conference Session in September 2019.

He and his wife, Ophelia, are blessed with 2 children; Matthew and Meghan.

Clifford enjoys travelling and going to places he has never visited before. His passion is working with young people and children as well as searching for and sharing with others what it means to have a meaningful relationship with Jesus, while at the same time continually exploring the key ingredient to such a relationship.