Pathfinder and Adventurer Rally Day
30 November 2024
Newbold College Sports Hall
10:30 am

What is the Purpose of the Program?
1. Worship and Fellowship as we end the year
2. TLT Induction
3. Investing our Master Guides and awarding our CMT graduates

Who is Invited?
All Adventurers and Pathfinders in the South England Conference
Supporters of those who will be Invested and Inducted

The Program
Morning Program 
Praise, Fellowship and Worship
TLT Induction
with Ps Njay Ndlovu (Scottish Mission Pathfindee Sponsor)


Investiture and Graduation
Master Guides
CMT (Club Ministries Training) Graduates

Do I need a ticket to enter?
Registration for every person is FREE.
In order to help us cover the expenses for the event we encourage you to BRING an OFFERING on the day.
In order to ensure there is enough space, we require that every attendee, (even if you are being Invested, or support the investee) please register to enter. (Go Here

All information at sec pathfinders/rallyday