CMT Pathfinder/ Adventurer Club Director
Overview of Workshops
1. Introduction to Leadership Skills | LEAD 001
This workshop provides a quick review of the duties of various leadership positions for the ministry beingtaught, then focuses on desirable attitudes, traits, and qualities of Christian leaders. It covers the pluses and minuses of different styles of leadership and shares practical tips on how to lead, with special emphasis on tips for leading in a specific ministry.
2. The Conference and Your Local Church Board | LEAD 122
This workshop focuses on the specific expectations, guidelines and requirements provided by the local conference to local church ministries.
The structure of Pathfinder and Adventurer ministry within the conference will be outlined and suggestions will be made on dealing with conflicts that might arise between local directors and coordinators or the conference.
The workshop presents this same kind of information, but in more general terms, concerning the local director’s interaction with the local church board. The presentation gives specific strategies for promotingministry and building relationship with the board, including information on dealing with a non-supportive board.
3. Introduction to Recruiting, Screening and Training Staff | LEAD 150
This workshop introduces concepts of volunteer staff recruiting, screening (including vetting volunteers), training, and appreciation.
It will offer suggestions on where and how to look for volunteers with the character and personality needed to support club ministry. It reviews screening requirements of the local conference, along with brief sharing of suggestions for training curriculumand settings.
The session also includes basic information on how to evaluate staff in order to help them improve their ministry, and shares ways to thank them for their service.
4. Survey of Camping and Campout Planning | WILD 101
This workshop briefly covers the philosophy of camping and types of camping.
It will focus on issues and techniques of planning and programming an interesting and safe camping experience.Topics include but are not limited to: location selection, promotion, booking, transportation,activities, food and meal preparation, safety (including fire, animal, weather, and human),equipment, supervision and spiritual components.
5. Teaching Pathfinder Curriculum: Intent and Organization | EDUC 200
This workshop presents the general outline and structure of the “Investiture Achievement Curriculum.” Special attention is given to the objectives, or intent, of the eight tracks of each level. These tracks are: Personal Growth, Spiritual Discovery, Serving Others, Making Friends, Health and Fitness, Nature Study, Outdoor Activities, and Honor Enrichment.
Understanding the intent supporting each track will help leaders implement specific Investiture Achievement requirements and/or modify and combine them as needed for teaching their unique group of young people. The workshop will include practical suggestions for creative and dynamic instruction focused on active learning.
6. Introduction to Discipling and Discipline | PYSO 120/121
This workshop introduces various views and definitions of discipline. It then covers principles of Christian discipline and specific techniques for effective discipline. It will also consider the Biblical meanings of discipline and disciple. Christ gave us the perfect example of discipling. It will look at Christ’s methods of evangelism as shared in Scripture and the practical lessons that we can draw from Hismethods and apply to our ministry. It then continues with the concept that disciplining requiresthe heart of Jesus.
7. Club Finances | FINA 100
This workshop will introduce the basic information needed to keep accurate financial records for your club. This class should be taught in conjunction with FINA 101—Introduction to Budgeting, knowing that the material may intermingle.
8. Working and Communicating with Parents | PYSO 207
This workshop presents strategies and tactics for establishing trusting relationships between your staff and parents. This includes but is not limited to:
- Documents that present your philosophy and practice of supervision, discipline, and care
- Candid discussion of ministry protocol for complaints or charges of inappropriate behavior
- Establishment of regular, frequent, two-direction communication
- Open discussion of parent expectations and parent participation
- Clear guidelines on parent ‘role’ when they are also a staff member; and
- A parent’s commitment to allow the child to attend ministry events and to avoid denying participation as a form of punishment for non-related problems
This seminar covers the faith development stages of Pathfinders and gives participants ideas about how to nurture faith at each stage. It identifies the Biblical values upon which the Pathfinder Pledge and Law are based and teaches how to use strategies that model Christian principles to Pathfinders.
Required Fieldwork
- Establish a relationship with your Pathfinder
- Have and read the Pathfinder Club Handbook and compile a list of action items for the upcoming Pathfinder.
- Create a portfolio that contains the handouts and your notes from the workshops you attended, your Pathfinder calendar, meeting schedules, and other paperwork for the workshop you attend.
The Director certification requires a portfolio documenting the journey, progress, lessons learned, andcompletion of requirements.
The portfolio should include a completed certification check sheet and evidence confirming requirement completion. This evidence can come in the form of signed class cards or sign in sheets, class handouts and/ orphotographs of participants leading or involved, or proof of applicable research and projects completed as required fieldwork.
The purpose of the portfolio is not only to show completion of all the certification requirements, but also to be an authoritative referral source when faced with similar issues in the future.
The physical portfolio can be a three-ring binder or folder in which all materials are kept. However, a fully digital data collection is also acceptable. The content is what counts, not the form of that content. It should be well organized and easy to check over.
Items should be labeled for easy connection to a specific requirement. The form will vary according to the personality and style of the participant.
Portfolio Review
The purpose of the review is to confirm completion of the requirements. It is not to require conformity to any system requiring specific formats or style of presentation.
Portfolios are reviewed to determine if they are complete or incomplete. An incomplete portfolio will be returned to the participant with a written explanation of what needs to be added, corrected or completed.
Portfolios, whether complete or incomplete, should be returned to the participant in a timely manner. Review of completed portfolios will be done by an invested Master Guide appointed by the Conference Youth Director or their designee.
Recognition of Completion
Everyone likes to have their efforts recognized.
Pathfinder leaders who put in untold hours of prayer, planning, counseling, and training are no exception. Upon successful review of the portfolio, the participant is eligible for a certificate of completion.