CMT Possibility Ministries
Overview of Workshops
The aim of the course is to build awareness on disability and gain a better understanding of barriers that people with conditions face, the misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding those with disabilities.
The course will provide an opportunity to reflect on personal attitudes to disability and what clubs could do to make the Adventurer and Pathfinder Ministry accessible to all and the impact the club may have on the lives of people with disabilities in the community.
The course will offer an opportunity for clubs to look at the curriculum and adapt it around the needs of the young person, making a priority to include parents, schools and carers where possible.
1. From Disability to Possibility
This is an awareness session looking at types of disabilities, population affected, barriers experienced, and disadvantages faced. The session will help us look at our attitudes and perspectives on disability as perspectives affect our attitudes and relationships with people with disability
2. Models of Disability
This session will explore models of disability that have been developed at different times about why and how are disabled and the challenges with model.
3. Barriers to Inclusive Ministry
This session will explore barriers to inclusion and how barriers could be overcome and how to build and an inclusive Pathfinder and Adventurer Ministry
4. Made in God’s Image
This session will look at theological perspective and how the Ministry could embrace neurodiversity and difference clubs and focus above appearance but see everyone as created in God’s image
5. From Economies of Exchange to Economies of Grace
This session will explore societal values and Hierarchies created in society and how those with disabilities are viewed in society. the session will explore the Love of God as a gift of Grace and how Jesus views His church.
6. An Inclusive Club- The limits Model
This session will explore limitations in all and how clubs could be inclusive and bring all people to experience being part of the body of Christ and embrace difference
7. Building an Inclusive Ministry
This session will build on being Inclusive and grasp how Wide, Long, High and Deep the love of Christ is. The focus will be on steps to take to be inclusive, be creative, flexible and having adaptable programmes remembering to work closely with parents and schools and carers
8. Individual Club/ Curriculum Adaptations
This is a practical session where clubs will look at the curriculum and work with parents and young person and adapt the curriculum to the needs for the person.
9. Working with Children with Special Needs | EDUC 006
This seminar gives an overview of common types of special needs and promotes communication with parents and caregivers of Pathfinders who have them. It also provides suggestions about how to adapt Pathfinder activities for children with special needs to ensure that all Pathfinders can participate and be successful.
Required Fieldwork
1. Create a portfolio that contains the handouts and your personal notes from the workshops that you attend.
2. Identify an aspect/s in the Adventurer or Pathfinder Curriculum you will work on to adapt to make accessible to a child with special educational needs.
3. Assist a parent/guardian with an Adventurer/ Pathfinder with Special Educational needs. We may invite a child and parent to class
The Possibility Ministries certification requires a portfolio documenting the journey, progress, lessons learned,and completion of requirements.
The portfolio should include a completed certification check sheet and evidence confirming requirement completion. This evidence can come in the form of signed class cards , class handouts and/or photographs of participants leading or involved in, or proof of applicable research and projects completed as required fieldwork.
The purpose of the portfolio is not only to show completion of all the certification requirements, but also to be an authoritative referral source when faced with similar issues in the future.
The physical portfolio would be a three-ring binder or folder in which all materials are kept. However,a fully digital data collection is also acceptable.
The content is what counts, not the form of that content. It should be well organized and easy to check over. Items should be labeled for easy connection to a specific requirement. The form will vary according to the personality and style of the participant
Portfolio Review
The purpose of the review is to confirm completion of the requirements. It is not to require conformity to any system requiring specific formats of style of presentation. Portfolios are reviewed to determine if they are complete or incomplete.
An incomplete portfolio will be returned to the participant with a written explanation of what needs to beadded, corrected or complete. Portfolios, whether complete or incomplete, would be returned to the participant in a timely manner.
Review of completed portfolios will be done by an invested Master Guide appointed by the Conference Youth Director or their designee.
Recognition of Completion
Upon completion of the required workshops, the participant is awarded a certificate of completion.
3. Assist a parent/guardian with an Adventurer/ Pathfinder with Special Educational needs. We may invite a child and parent to class
The Possibility Ministries certification requires a portfolio documenting the journey, progress, lessons learned,and completion of requirements.
The portfolio should include a completed certification check sheet and evidence confirming requirement completion. This evidence can come in the form of signed class cards , class handouts and/or photographs of participants leading or involved in, or proof of applicable research and projects completed as required fieldwork.
The purpose of the portfolio is not only to show completion of all the certification requirements, but also to be an authoritative referral source when faced with similar issues in the future.
The physical portfolio would be a three-ring binder or folder in which all materials are kept. However,a fully digital data collection is also acceptable.
The content is what counts, not the form of that content. It should be well organized and easy to check over. Items should be labeled for easy connection to a specific requirement. The form will vary according to the personality and style of the participant
Portfolio Review
The purpose of the review is to confirm completion of the requirements. It is not to require conformity to any system requiring specific formats of style of presentation. Portfolios are reviewed to determine if they are complete or incomplete.
An incomplete portfolio will be returned to the participant with a written explanation of what needs to beadded, corrected or complete. Portfolios, whether complete or incomplete, would be returned to the participant in a timely manner.
Review of completed portfolios will be done by an invested Master Guide appointed by the Conference Youth Director or their designee.
Recognition of Completion
Upon completion of the required workshops, the participant is awarded a certificate of completion.